Founded by a team of designers from various streams in 1993, Oplus Designer-ware Distribution Channel (Oplus Ltd.) created a network of importing excellent original interiors and lifestyle products worldwide then positioning and distributing to the Asia
pacific regions.We have distinguished ourselves as a distributor whom perfectly balance design perspective and commercial value. All our selected brands and products carry their own personalities which outlive current trends. We aim to deliver all these extraordinary objects to retailers, corporations and project planners.
Oplus Ltd. 由誇界別設計工作者於1993年創立,以發揚原創設計溶入生活念,專門引入世界各地的產品精粹, 並為其於亞太區尋找最適合的市場及客戶。我們挑選的品牌及意念產品均能帶領及配合潮流,為各零售,企業及商業劃行的客戶提供品味與商業原素並重的選擇。